“All the measuring in the world is useless
if it doesn’t match the target data.”
In Sporting Clays, measuring leads causes missing. Period.
This example illustrates why measuring works in Trap and Skeet but not Sporting.
Lisa, a 13-year-old Novice, has retained some help to improve her shooting. Instructor behind her, it’s her first time on a Skeet range. At each individual Station – the targets and their individual leads always being “known” – she’s shown lead measurements of 1 foot, 2 feet, etc. This makes her learning easier and clays are breaking.
As the days turn into months of practice, target by known target, she’s visually built and reinforced a picture inventory of leads in her memory bank. As those pictures became more and more familiar, instinct began to replace the slower “more careful” measuring. With no loss of precision, her smoother and faster instinctive swing is steadily raising her scores.
Sporting Clays follows a parallel approach to skill-building with one major difference: the whole process occurs without the measuring. As Sporting targets come from EVERYWHERE we can’t (not consistently anyway) accurately calculate leads. With an endless mixture of target sizes, distances, angles and speeds, all this “measuring” quickly becomes a nightmare of missing.
Here’s a common illustration. Early in his lesson, show bird launched, my student Tom is calculating.
“That’s 40, maybe 45 yards. I know the lead Dan.”
“On your call Tom.”
A second miss follows his first.
This 30-yard target was a 90mm Midi, not a 108mm Standard. The smaller Midi made it look faster and lot further than it actually was. The target setter deliberately created this illusion, a trap for shooters to fall into and Tom did.
Over time, Tom’s been inaccurately calculating leads he understandably misjudged. To break his targets consistently, he would first have to guess the exact target angle, distance and speed, followed by a swing with the perfect lead. Human error will prevent that from happening with any consistency. Mixing all these unknown target variables with shooter guesswork is a strategy doomed to fail.
Another problem with measuring is that some folks see their lead “at the bead” – some “out at the target.” Visually, those are two very different spaces. Be wary of the well-intentioned individual who offers you a specific measurement: “Trust me! That’s a three-foot lead.” Is this person seeing the “space” at the muzzle, or at the target? Will you see the same? Let’s not forget: is that measurement even right?
Here's another problem with measuring. Swing approaching the trigger pull, this shooter is trying very hard to precisely calculate every inch of lead. Unaware that their swing is slowing down, their lead is collapsing. No surprise, this results in another lost target coupled with bewilderment and frustration.
In Sporting Clays, measuring leads creates a lot of exasperating guessing and missing. Instead, there are simple, basic, utterly dependable shooting methods that create trustworthy forward allowances all over the course with no measuring. Paragon coaching and books clearly explain those methods and how to use them.
Thanks for spending time with us. Be safe and we hope to see you out on the course.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
Are you tired of being lost, confused and frustrated? If you want to move your shooting to the next level quickly, contact Dan Schindler on the Paragon School of Sporting website or give him a call at (828) 693-6600 to discuss the best path for you to quickly move your shooting to the next level and take the frustration and mystery out of missing targets.
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About Dan Schindler
Dan Schindler is one of only 60 worldwide members of the Guild of Shooting Instructors (UK) and is one of the most highly respected Sporting Clays and Wingshooting Instructors in the US. Dan is an NSCA Level III Instructor (since 1995) and founded the Paragon School of Sporting with one goal in mind. Whether it be for the advanced competitor or providing the basics to the entry-level shooter, Paragon provides the simplest, most practical and most effective Instruction, Coaching and Mental Training for the Sporting Clays & Wingshooting enthusiast. Dan Schindler helps shooters alleviate a lot of their frustration by taking the mystery out of breaking targets, calling their own misses, and make their own corrections. Lessons are fun, enlightening and our clients learn to shoot better in minutes!
Dan Schindler's Books
"Recommended for shooters of all skill levels, Coaches, Instructors
and parents of youth shooters."
Take Your Best Shot (Book I), 3rd Edition is THE Gold Standard Primer It's all about the fundamentals, a requirement for good shooting. This book is used by high school and college shooting teams, recreational and competitive shooters from around the world. Solid, valuable, concise information that has helped thousands of shooters shoot more consistently with higher scores.
To The Target (Book II) Builds on the steps outlined in Book I. Emphasises Gun Management skills when the trap fires, creating a consistent, reliable, trustworthy swing.
Beyond the Target (Book III) is for shooters of all levels. It is filled with valuable information and clay target truths. It is entertaining and a culmination of three decades of Dan's life's work as a teacher, competitor, published writer, and much more.