Paragon School of Sporting Inc
Paragon School of Sporting Inc. is a World Class Sporting Clays and Wingshooting School founded by Daniel Schindler.
Daniel Schindler's 3 Excellent Clay Target ( Sporting Clays, Trap and Skeet) and WIngshooting Books
Dan Schindler's 3 Excellent Books ( are recommended for sporting clay, skeet trap and wing shooters of all skill levels. Written in easy-to-understand, plain language, these books are highly respected in the USA and 14 countries around the world. Dan Schindler has 3+ decades as a full-time shooting instructor and has worked with thousands of shooters. Dan has certified ~ 250 NSCA Level I / Level II and Paragon Instructors and was the first member of the prestigious Guild of Shooting Instructors, U.K. As an author, ~242 of Dan's articles were featured in Sporting Clays Magazine between 1994 and 2015 when the magazine went out of business. Dan continues to teach national and international clients, publish blog posts and the Paragon School of Sporting newsletter. Dan's audio CD on the Mental Game has sold out. For more information on Daniel Schindler and Paragon, please check out our website:
What Sporting Clays, Skeet, Trap and Wingshooters Want to Know!
Dan Schindler answers questions that all Sporting Clays, Trap, Skeet and Wingshooters want to know. Dan dispels myths and takes the mystery out of breaking targets. He teaches shooters - in their very 1st lesson - "how" to call their own miss and make corrections so their next shot will break the target. Daniel Schindler is a World Class Sporting Clays, Skeet, Trap and WIngshooting Instructor with 3+ Decades of experience working with thousands of shooters. The Paragon Shooting System is simple, consistent and utterly dependable!. After years of searching for a Sporting Clays Instructor, Michael Bane of Shooting Gallery visited Daniel Schindler, Master Instructor and Founder of Paragon School of Sporting at River Bend Sportsmans Resort in Inman, SC. Michael Bane, Ken Jorgensen and John Carter greatly improved their Sporting Clays and Wingshooting skills by taking lessons with Dan.
Introduction by Michael Bane (Shooting Gallery) to Daniel Schindler (Paragon School of Sporting)
After years of searching for a Sporting Clays Instructor, Michael Bane of Shooting Gallery visits Daniel Schindler, Master Sporting Clays Instructor and Founder of Paragon School of Sporting at River Bend Sportsmans Resort in Inman SC. Michael Bane, Ken Jorgensen and John Carter greatly improved their Sporting Clays and Wingshooting skills after taking lessons with Dan.
Why Are Shooters Inconsistent?
Problem Sporting Clays Targets Presentations
Before you can work on a Sporting Clays or Wingshooting error, you must first find the error.
Welcome Paragon VIP Members
Daniel Schindler welcomes Paragon VIP Members to the Paragon School of Sporting Inc.
Can You See the Sporting Clays Swing Errors, Adjustment & Break?
Slow motion video of the shooter's gun swing, misses and the small correction to break the clay target. Chappie Gennett shooting a crossing target during a practice session with Daniel Schindler.