As my teaching career now has more years behind than ahead, I respectfully offer the following for your serious consideration.
Based on my understanding, it appears Mercedes Benz developed the airbag for their automobiles. A revolutionary safety feature never seen before. This invention was so important, Mercedes made the decision to share all its formulas and lists of components needed to build this safety feature. They shared it openly with other manufacturers. Because it was the right thing to do. Like Mercedes, I’m doing that here, with you.
“I have not failed.
I have found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”
- Thomas A. Edison
In Sporting Clays, Trap, Skeet and Wingshooting…I’ve worked tirelessly, and have dedicated my life to separating common, widespread misconceptions and myths from the truths. The hard truths. Simple, easy-to-understand truths that work…not sometimes…all the time. Please read that sentence again.
Because I make my living as a full-time Instructor and Coach, much of what I teach…the Paragon methods…are provided only to my Instructors and my students. Now, because it’s the right thing to do, the time has come to share a few things with those of you who visit with us. Truths you need to know. Undoubtedly, some of you will disagree with me. That’s OK, these truths have been tested countless times and work flawlessly, perfectly, 24/7/365. If you sense a tone in this article, please understand that it’s my passion escaping, my sincere desire to help you understand what is holding you back from your best performances. I’ll be covering shooting methods, eye dominance, instruction and more.
After 3 decades of dedicated teaching, I regret there not being enough time or space here to list all the many examples that validate the thoughts I’m sharing. Which is to say, what’s expressed here comes from many years of successful hands-on experience, not just opinion because I got a good night’s rest at the Holiday Inn Express.
“The Truth is beautiful, without doubt;
but so are lies.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Let’s start with the first truth. Based on thousands of lessons with my clients…every single one a privilege for me…I maintain that much of what you’ve been told, read, heard and believe, is precisely why you might not be consistent in the shooting box, wondering if there’s any change on the horizon?
Here’s a review on “eye dominance” and what happens when it’s not handled properly.
My new student, Scott, is RIGHT handed and strong LEFT eye dominant because his right eye, basically, just doesn’t work anymore. Let me say that again. Right-handed, his vision in his right eye is nearly non-existent. Scott explained to me that he’s currently shooting LEFT-handed because his previous Instructor told him to. Middle-aged, Scott’s more than just frustrated and ready to walk away from Sporting Clays. He tells me this “left-shoulder-deal” physically hurts and is a major PIA, ‘scuse my French. Then again, what choice does he have? I mean he’s half-blind in his right eye folks! So, it’s obvious he has to shoot from his LEFT shoulder. Correct?
Not wanting to assume anything…using my past experiences with students…I wanted to make sure. Out on the course, I started by asking him to point his finger at a crossing target, BOTH EYES OPEN. He did. P.e.r.f.e.c.t.l.y. Again and again, as in consistently. Empty gun please, RIGHT SHOULDER, same test, both eyes open. Again, gun and target aligned perfectly. And then again. Meaning what? Meaning…Scott’s brain had learned to adjust his vision, to compensate. Perfectly. How? Does it matter?? Gun on his right shoulder, Scott’s now shooting at a AA level. What he sees over his barrel is reality and he is deadly accurate in spite of being left eye dominant.
A few questions for those of you here to consider. Why didn’t Scott’s previous Instructor finish testing and evaluating the eye issue properly, thus keeping the gun on his right shoulder before automatically insisting on the shoulder switch? So, this was all the Instructor’s fault? In my experienced opinion, maybe not. During his certification class, why wasn’t he/she taught to do this critically important field evaluation step first, before making adjustments?? Was it his cert class Examiner’s fault for not teaching it? Maybe? Then again, and my point here, exactly…was this critically important field evaluation…this required step…included in the Instructor’s certification class syllabus, and/or the standards for his being certified? Please read this paragraph again.
This morning I spoke to a very nice, frustrated lady on the phone…a conversation I’ve had many times. Left eye dominant, right-handed…Emily told me her Instructor made her switch shoulders, which she hates. Maybe he was right? Maybe not? Politely, I asked her if that Instructor had FIRST tested her on moving targets…right shoulder, both eyes open…before switching her over? She said no. At my request, a friend of hers will be standing behind Emily tomorrow. With the gun on Emily’s right shoulder, both eyes open, will she be able to point accurately? A good question. Either way…again…why wasn’t she first evaluated “correctly” before the change? Seems to me…target in the air…what we are seeing over the gun would be a major consideration, not minor. Agreed? Get all this wrong…game over! With the wrong eye adjustment cast in stone, the consequences may be long-term? Unnecessarily? An even better question.
For the record, of course, I am not saying that all cross / center dominant shooters can point their gun accurately at a moving target from their natural shoulder with both eyes open. The truth is, most can’t. However, and this is my point here…some can. Easily and naturally, with no compensating or adjustments of any kind. A truth. If you are cross or center dominant, shouldn’t your Instructor know to first test you to determine if you can or can’t…before asking you to make any adjustments? Youth Coaches especially…please listen up.
Yeah, “eye” theories and advice are everywhere, but…I have yet to see any “training method” proven to successfully change a person’s eye dominance. As Ronald Reagan said… ”Trust but verify.” Color me open-minded but cautious.
Moving on…
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”
- Aldous Huxley
Understandably, logic has a way of affecting our opinions about shooting. Example? Measuring leads. How much lead? 2 feet? 3? 4? 1 ½? The problem with all this measuring is, measuring leads should have gone away at the same time the rotary dial telephone did. But it hasn’t. Unfortunately, not by a long shot. You’re using “how much lead?” as your foundation shooting method? Because everyone said you should? Because the book you read or your Instructor says so? Time and time again on a regular basis, this has been the # 1 cause of my students being inconsistent when they arrive. Blasphemy? No. Evolution. It’s not 1980 anymore. Yes, measuring leads can apply to a select few target presentations. However, today and for the last 2 decades at least, there are other, much more dependable shooting methods. Shooting methods that don’t require measuring leads and have total dependability with ONE and only one condition: the shooter’s correct execution of the method. There’s a truth. Simple, trustworthy, totally reliable methods that work 24/7 and can advance your shooting and your scores, quickly. Predictably. Unless…you’re still holding onto a horse and buggy method when others have moved over to NASCAR and are shooting the scores you want.
Plain and simple. Trying to precisely measure leads as a foundation shooting method is contraindicated. Endlessly proven counterproductive, it results in frustration, performance and score plateaus. Stuck in the 60’s? 70’s? 80’s? Using this method over and over again and expecting higher scores? I’m being harsh? Maybe. Telling you the truth? Absolutely. Proven in the shooting box next to you countless times. Consider finding a home for your yardstick and updating your software.
“There are 3 types of lies…
lies, damn lies & statistics.”
- Benjamin Disraeli
And, for now, To Whom it may concern…at no time, on any course, anywhere…your Instructor’s answer to you, “You will just know,” or “You just know”…is not an answer…or any kind of a defensible explanation, whatsoever…to any shooter who is seeking improvement in their shooting and is asking about lead, or anything else. Amen.
Next Newsletter we’ll dive straight into some reasons why real progress may be absent in your game. And, if you are taking or considering taking lessons…specifically…we’ll talk about what you have every right to expect from your paid Instructor.
We’re looking forward to seeing you again. Thank you for your time and consideration here. God bless, be safe, be well.
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About Dan Schindler
Dan Schindler is one of only 60 worldwide members of the Guild of Shooting Instructors (UK) and is one of the most highly respected Sporting Clays and Wingshooting Instructors in the US. Dan is an NSCA Level III Instructor (since 1995) and founded the Paragon School of Sporting with one goal in mind. Whether it be for the advanced competitor or providing the basics to the entry-level shooter, Paragon provides the simplest, most practical and most effective Instruction, Coaching and Mental Training for the Sporting Clays & Wingshooting enthusiast. Dan Schindler helps shooters alleviate a lot of their frustration by taking the mystery out of breaking targets, calling their own misses, and make their own corrections. Lessons are fun, enlightening and our clients learn to shoot better in minutes!
Dan Schindler's Books
"Recommended for shooters of all skill levels, Coaches, Instructors
and parents of youth shooters."
Take Your Best Shot (Book I), 3rd Edition is THE Gold Standard Primer It's all about the fundamentals, a requirement for good shooting. This book is used by high school and college shooting teams, recreational and competitive shooters from around the world. Solid, valuable, concise information that has helped thousands of shooters shoot more consistently with higher scores.
To The Target (Book II) Builds on the steps outlined in Book I. Emphasises Gun Management skills when the trap fires, creating a consistent, reliable, trustworthy swing.
Beyond the Target (Book III) is for shooters of all levels, filled with valuable information, clay target truths. Entertaining and a culmination of 3 decades of Dan's life's work as a teacher, competitor, published writer, and much more.