“A good Coach can change a game.
A great Coach can change a life.”
There’s no surprise in my saying that it’s human nature to want to do better and I’m confident those of us in the clay target sports share that desire. If I may, with improvement as the goal, here’s what I believe are an Instructor’s obligations to those who seek her/his guidance. Here, I’m referring to students who wish to experience a new, presently unfound level of success in their shooting. They do so with fair-minded expectations to accomplish more in their lesson(s) than what is currently being achieved. And by that, I don’t mean a do-this, do-that, humdrum lesson experience. I’m talking about an inspiring, profound experience filled with revelations and aha moments…from the no-experience beginner to Master class.
I believe creating this “experience” is on every Instructor’s to-do list.
A few weeks back, we completed another Paragon Center for Instructor Study (C.I.S.) Instructor certification class. Over the years, the Candidates who’ve attended my N.S.C.A. and C.I.S. certification classes, purposely came for the training first, the diploma second. Kudos to each and every one of you. I’m extremely proud to say all who attended last month were certified, each earning their certification in this most comprehensive and genuinely rewarding class.
One would logically assume this class was all about the nuts and bolts in the clay target sports and wingshooting. Right? Well, in many ways it sure was, but it was also about more. And by that, I mean a lot more.
As expected…various shooting methods…specifically how and where to teach each method…were taught extensively and in detail. Constant emphasis was placed on “effective” communication between the Instructor and student. I say effective because, when it comes to communication, a world of Instructor knowledge is pretty much useless without a) student comprehension of the instruction being given…followed by, b) measurable student improvement.
The a) and b) above are, in my opinion, Instructor obligations to you the student. Again, however, there’s more.
In reference to the student’s lesson “experience,” can we agree that every student will be different? As will every lesson. Because student skills will differ. Strengths and shortcomings will differ. Goals will differ. And why this can’t be just about shooting. Meaning our goal is not only to build our student’s success…visible improvement…but to uplift our student’s self-confidence, self-esteem and self-image.
For example, those of you here who honestly don’t care if you miss the target, please raise your hand. No one? OK, it’s unanimous, we all want to break the target. Almost 4 decades of teaching has taught me how very much each student wants the target to break and what happens when it doesn’t. And why an Instructor’s good intentions in the shooting box are simply not enough. Which brings us back to a) and b) above. In my humble opinion, sometimes, Instructor competence may not be enough either. There’s another level of teaching needed when the missing starts in earnest and expectations are not being met. Which is to say, there are consequences beyond more missing.
“To give real service,
a truly competent Instructor holds something
which cannot be bought or measured,
and that is authenticity and integrity.”
Truthfully, for our student, if it was all about X’s and nothing more, Instructor competence would likely suffice. It’s when competence, however, isn’t enough for our overwhelmed, struggling student…XOOXOOOX.
At the handshake, there’s more being established than Instructor credibility. A student wants to be reassured…not just that we know what we are doing…but that we genuinely care about her or him FIRST. These are the critically important, early steps into our student’s lesson experience. This is where their trust in us is being formed…or maybe not? And this we can believe…our students will know. For lack of a better term on my part, let’s say their trust will be based on the Instructor's “authenticity.” In the absence of Instructor authenticity, from the get-go, student trust in the upcoming teachings has now been compromised.
“The problem isn’t the problem…
Finding and correcting the real problem is the problem.”
There’s always a good reason for student missing and, in some cases, it’s not swing errors. The authentic Instructor will dig deeper to find the unseen, real cause(s) of swing mistakes and missing. The authentic Instructor will find the “why” and create the student “experience” I’m talking about here.
Granted, we Teachers do not want to underestimate the importance of our shooting knowledge or our ability to successfully communicate that knowledge. Adding to that, said respectfully, this is where Instructor authenticity fills the gap when mere shooting knowledge falls short in the shooting box.
“The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires.”
― William Arthur Ward
Agreed, our helping to add X’s to our student’s scorecard is important and why Instructor competence will indeed be required to meet several obligations to our students. That said, in my opinion, we have other obligations that go beyond creating X’s and correcting O’s. Truly worthwhile instruction will not only increase student success but will also in every way elevate our student’s self-worth…every student, every lesson. Short of that…lose that student fulfillment…I for one believe the lesson was unfinished.
Cheryl and I hope you are enjoying the many blessings we share in this great country. Be safe and we look forward to seeing you out on the course.
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About Dan Schindler
Dan Schindler is one of only 60 worldwide members of the Guild of Shooting Instructors (UK) and is one of the most highly respected Sporting Clays and Wingshooting Instructors in the US. Dan is an NSCA Level III Instructor (since 1995) and founded the Paragon School of Sporting with one goal in mind. Whether it be for the advanced competitor or providing the basics to the entry-level shooter, Paragon provides the simplest, most practical and most effective Instruction, Coaching and Mental Training for the Sporting Clays & Wingshooting enthusiast. Dan Schindler helps shooters alleviate a lot of their frustration by taking the mystery out of breaking targets, calling their own misses, and make their own corrections. Lessons are fun, enlightening and our clients learn to shoot better in minutes!
Dan Schindler's Books
"Recommended for shooters of all skill levels, Coaches, Instructors
and parents of youth shooters."
Take Your Best Shot (Book I), 3rd Edition is THE Gold Standard Primer It's all about the fundamentals, a requirement for good shooting. This book is used by high school and college shooting teams, recreational and competitive shooters from around the world. Solid, valuable, concise information that has helped thousands of shooters shoot more consistently with higher scores.
To The Target (Book II) Builds on the steps outlined in Book I. Emphasises Gun Management skills when the trap fires, creating a consistent, reliable, trustworthy swing.
Beyond the Target (Book III) is for shooters of all levels, filled with valuable information, clay target truths. Entertaining and a culmination of 3 decades of Dan's life's work as a teacher, competitor, published writer, and much more.
Here's what Shooters, Coaches and Clay Shooting USA saying...
Take Your Best Shot (Book I), 3rd Edition
To The Target (Book II)
Beyond The Target (Book III)